Pediatric Cardiac Counselling

Q. When Does your Infant (age: 0-1) need cardiac evaluation?
If your Infant (age: 0-1) has any of following symptoms:
- Bluish colour of nails, lips, skin
- Rapid breathing while feeding
- Excessive sweating while feeding
- Stops in between to take breath while feeding
- Gets tired easily while feeding
- Not gaining weight adequately
- Swelling in the legs or abdomen
Q. When Does your child (age: 1-19) need cardiac evaluation?
If your child (age: 1-19) has any of following symptoms:
- Easily tired while playing
- Bluish lips, tongue
- Joint pain/swelling
- Chest pain/uncomfortable feeling in chest
- Sudden recurrent loss of consciousness and posture unexplained
- Excessive sweating
- Unexpected shortness of breath while playing
- Prolonged fever with/without rash/strawberry-colour tongue
- Prior diagnosed hole in heart or valve issue
- Operated in past for heart defect
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