Q. When Does your Infant (age: 0-1) need cardiac evaluation?
If your Infant (age: 0-1) has any of following symptoms:
- Bluish colour of nails, lips, skin
- Rapid breathing while feeding
- Excessive sweating while feeding
- Stops in between to take breath while feeding
- Gets tired easily while feeding
- Not gaining weight adequately
- Swelling in the legs or abdomen
Q. When Does your child (age: 1-19) need cardiac evaluation?
If your child (age: 1-19) has any of following symptoms:
- Easily tired while playing
- Bluish lips, tongue
- Joint pain/swelling
- Chest pain/uncomfortable feeling in chest
- Sudden recurrent loss of consciousness and posture unexplained
- Excessive sweating
- Unexpected shortness of breath while playing
- Prolonged fever with/without rash/strawberry-colour tongue
- Prior diagnosed hole in heart or valve issue
- Operated in past for heart defect
Q. What is Echocardiography?
An echocardiogram is a test that uses sound waves to create pictures of the heart. It is used in the children to help diagnose defects of the heart that are present at birth (congenital). Quality of details obtained on echocardiography- depends on knowledge and skills of the person doing it. It helps in deciding right plan of treatment and monitoring heart status.
During an echocardiogram, a doctor can see:
- The size and thickness of the chambers
- How the valves of the heart are functioning
- The direction of blood flow through the heart
- Any blood clots in the heart
- Areas of damaged or weak cardiac muscle tissue
- Problems affecting the pericardium, which is the fluid-filled sac around the heart
- Coronary Abnormalities
Q. What is Fetal cardiac counseling?
It involve extensive counseling of the family before evaluation, performing a diagnostic test with a high degree of sensitivity and specifity which in this case is fetal echocardiography, post evaluation counseling of the family, in-utero care of the fetus diagnosed to have CHD, arrangements of safe delivery at a centre well equipped with all modalities in neonatal practice, post delivery care of the newborn.
Why a fetal cardiac counseling is important:
- Early Detection of congenital heart defects
- Preparation for treatments post-birth
- Delivery Planning
- Interdisciplinary Coordination
- Informed Decision Making
- Improved Outcomes
- Genetic Counseling and Monitoring Progress
Q. What is Fetal Echocardiogram?
Fetal Echocardiogram, also known as a Fetal Echo, is a specialized ultrasound test that evaluates an unborn baby's heart during pregnancy.
What does it detect ?
It shows the heart's structure, function, rhythm, and blood vessels, as well as any problems with the heart walls and valves in detail.When this test should be done?
A fetal echo is usually performed during the second trimester, when the mother is around 18 to 24 weeks pregnant. The optimal time for a screening echo is 22 to 26 weeks, but sometimes a repeat exam is necessary.Is this test painful or need any special preparation?
The test is painless and takes about 30 to 45 minutes. It's performed on an outpatient basis in a darkened room while the mother is lying down. No it doesn't need any special preparation. Mother can eat, drink or even empty her bladder before the test.Q. What is Fetal cardiac monitoring?
Fetal cardiac monitoring is needed when fetus has a cardiac defect /disease that is progressive in nature . It's recommended in mother with connective tissue disorders- sicca syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, etc where fetus is at high risk of heart blocks, bradycardia . Fetus with very high or low heart rate or irregular rythmn.The fetal heart rate may change as your baby responds to conditions in your uterus. An abnormal fetal heart rate may mean that your baby is not getting enough oxygen or that there are other problems.
Why might I need fetal heart monitoring?
Fetal heart rate monitoring is especially helpful if you have a high-risk pregnancy. Your pregnancy is high risk if you have diabetes or high blood pressure. It is also high risk if your baby is not developing or growing as it should. Fetal heart rate monitoring may be used to check how preterm labor medicines are affecting your baby. These are medicines are used to help keep labor from starting too early.